Saturday, August 2, 2014

My Beautiful Life: Day 2

Cultivate a Spirit of Thankfulness
After Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, they grumbled, murmured and complained. They didn’t like his leadership, and wanted to go back to Egypt where they were slaves and in bondage. The Israelites blamed their enemies for them wandering around in the wilderness, but actually, (See Numbers 11.) all they needed to do was be positive, and stop complaining  - and God would have lead them to the promised land. Now, think about the things in your life that you were so excited about when God first blessed you—the baby you were praying for, the spouse you longed for, that promotion you tried so hard to get. They may be the very thing you complain about today! The nature of human flesh, if it is not disciplined and controlled by the Holy Spirit, will always drift toward the negative. You never have to try to complain, but it does take a lot of faith and effort to maintain a grateful, thankful attitude. In the midst of difficult times we can thank God, because we know that He has promised to be with us and that He will help us. We know that He can use times of suffering to draw us closer to Himself. God knows exactly what issues you are dealing with - big or small - and He loves you and is with you by His Holy Spirit. Cultivate a spirit of thankfulness even in the midst of trials and heartaches and be strengthened as you go through whatever you may be dealing with.  

James 1:2-3
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.

A Prayer for Today
Thank You Lord for waking me up this morning, and giving me air to breathe. Despite any circumstance that  comes my way, today will be a good day. Thank You that each day is another day to have a new beginning. Father, I ask you to increase my faith and discipline so that when I encounter difficult circumstances, my spirit is calmed as I focus on You. I Thank You that everything I face will build my character, and draw me closer to You. I am certain that You have my best interests under Your divine control, and I trust You. 