Monday, August 11, 2014

My Beautiful Life: Day 11

Don't Take Anything for Granted
Think of something you own that you might take for granted—your slightly dirty car, the old but trusty laptop you carry around with you every day, your old but brand name shoes. We live in a society where we are constantly being seduced and distracted with materialistic possessions and society’s standard of living. Some of us become so distracted that we lose a realistic sense of self. All of a sudden, what we have is not enough. We start modeling what we see in the media and the way celebrities are living their life that we forget about our own life. The more you surround yourself with the world, the more you will be influenced to change your life based upon what you see. Now imagine talking to someone who doesn't even have half of what you have. What's life like for them? What difficulties do they have to face? Take a moment to reflect upon what is meaningful in your life. It’s amazing how so many people never really take the time to answer this question. People just continue living their lives, being preoccupied with what’s going on Facebook, the latest gossip on television and getting stuck into a rut. When you stop to take a second to start to think about it, you realize just how much God has really blessed you! The more you think of all that you do have, and don't have to deal with, you become more and more appreciative. Your car may be dirty, but at least it can drive you safely to your destination. Your laptop may be old, but at least you have a laptop. Your shoes may not be new, and Thank God they aren't falling apart! We are so blessed, that sometimes it is easy to forget just how much we really do have. Take time to remind yourself daily of all that God has done for you. 

Ephesians 1:3
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with
every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.

A Prayer for Today
Father, far too often our minds can be consumed with things that only money can buy which can also bring discontent for that which we already have. Thank you for all that I have! Help me to focus our hearts on that  which has lasting value, that brings eternal dividends. As I lift my voice to You this day and turn my hearts toward Your unfailing love, I know I will find joy and satisfaction that will not be determined by the events of today. When human love is fleeting or disappoints me, help me to look to Your unfailing love which satisfies.  each me how to to listen carefully to You, and delight in Your abundance. 